Acne on your scalp and back caused by hair products

Every now and then we see this question passing by: can your hair products cause acne? The answer is yes. Is this bothering you? Then we are happy to help you further within this blog.

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The standard phrase when it comes to acne
Acne is a problem that can arise due to various factors. Me, the author of this blog, unfortunately also suffer from it. When you search the Internet, you often come across the 'standard' solutions. Nevertheless, I think it is important to mention them in this blog.
Because, who knows, maybe 1 of the things below is something you're not doing yet, or it's something you didn't think could affect acne. 
  • Are you drinking enough water every day?
  • Do you suffer from stress?
  • Are you eating healthy enough?
  • Have you changed your laundry detergent recently?
  • Do you perhaps drink too much coffee in a day?
  • Are you on the pill or using another contraceptive or just recently stopped using contraception?
  • Do you shower right after exercising? If sweat stays on your body too long, you can get acne faster.
Always consult your doctor or the Internet if you want more general tips on how to reduce acne or to find out what other factors are. Have you tried all sorts of things? And do you feel that your hair products are having an impact, read on!

Hair products and the impact on your skin

Our hair products are formulated with all kinds of ingredients. You've probably read  the back of the product. Probably a lot of ingredients don't tell you anything at all. And that makes sense: because it's quite difficult to figure it all out. Every skin is different and reacts differently. Even if a bottle says "dermatologically tested" or "natural" it says nothing about how your skin reacts to the hair product. With our following tips, you may be able to adjust your routine in terms of hair products.

Tips for acne on your back and scalp

Acne caused by hair products often forms on the hairline, cheeks or on the back. 
1. Rinse your shampoo and conditioner differently
Do you suffer from acne on your back? If so, try rinsing the shampoo and conditioner out of your hair differently while washing it. So, do not let the shampoo and conditioner wash out over your back but bend your head forward to avoid contact with the skin as much as possible. 
2. Cover your back while washing your hair
Make sure your back is always covered with a shirt, towel or bathrobe. As long as your back is covered, hair products cannot touch your back (what can cause acne).
3. Always wash your back with soap
Did your back make contact while rinsing out your shampoo or conditioner? Make sure you always rinse your back with soap. Preferably one with a cleanser. You can often recognize a cleanser in its ingredients by the word: sulfates. Most types of soaps have this ingredient. 
4. Clean your face after washing
Do you suffer from acne around the hairline? Then always make sure to clean your face with a cleanser, toner or other suitable face washing product. 
5. Putting your hair up
Do you have conditioner or mask in your hair and it needs to soak in? Do not let your hair rest on your back. If necessary, take an elastic band and put it in a bun or secure it with a clip. As long as your hair is not touching your back. 
6. You can't stand fragrances
A lot of products contain fragrances in different forms: they can be synthetic but also natural (like essential oils). Also linalool is a well-known one, or geraniol. Maybe your skin can't stand these: you may also want to have this tested at your doctor's office. 
7. Check your hair products
Some hair products contain substances that can irritate your skin. One person can safely use it while the other gets itching, bumps, rashes or acne. Search on google for inci decoder, you can then check if your hair product contains ingredients that might cause irritation. 
8. You can't stand cocamidopropyl-betaine
Coco...what? This is a cleaner in a shampoo that some curlies cannot tolerate. Read more about the effects of cocamidopropyl-betaine here. 
8. Switch hair products
Take one hair product out of your routine and replace it with another. For example, start with your shampoo, conditioner and if possible, a mask. 
In the end, it takes a lot of trying and maybe failing to see what works for you and what doesn't. Hopefully you got some knowledge out of our tips! Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to leave them below!